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Next Sunday, July 8th we will go to Kushal Garth. This will be a small trek with about 17 Km walking. Date and place for concentration will be posted here later. We will start on Patal Pani where we hope to see the first water falling, then follow the train rail way for a few meters until start descending to the river and climb again thru a very beautiful small forest until the plateau where Kushal Garh small village is also sited. We will feel the real inner agricultural India, where the time go slower and everything is peaceful. From the village only takes 1 hour to reach the forth with the same name of the village. The surroundings have some cult places and the sigh seeing from inside the forth is magnificent. From there we will decide the way back.

We should take care on following: 
- Take some dry garment and a towel on a closed plastic bag, to change after trekking. It will rain for sure.
- Also be prepared for sun.
- Comfortable clothes
- Shoes are critical. The best shoes are mountain shoes, but good sneakers with a gross sole, can make it.
- Take a lot (2 liters minimum) of water and something to bite.
- Respect the environment. Don't take anything but photographs and don't let anything there but footprints.
- Good mood is mandatory.





FOTOS cedidas pelo Zebral FOTOS chegaram antes do "acontecimento" {#emotions_dlg.sarcastic}

publicado às 05:01


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